What’s a good dog poop?

Every single person who cares for a dog has the responsibility of picking up poop. I wonder what non-dog parents think when they see us cleaning up after them. LOL. Especially when it’s not a healthy poop! You know what I’m talking about… the ones that aren’t easy to pick up!

Although it’s not a fun task, examining your dog’s poop is a great way to gauge their digestive health. It provides an opportunity to assess the state of their digestive system and overall well-being.

While it’s challenging to define the perfect example of an ideal poop because different dogs have different bowel movements, there are some tried-and-true indicators that will help you determine whether it qualifies as ideal or needs improvement. 

If most of your observations consistently lean towards ‘Needs Improvement,’ it might be an excellent time to consider a diet adjustment. If you’re unsure where to start, below are a couple of links to some great books to get you started. Additionally, you can reach out to your local dog food stores, which often have canine nutritionists on staff, or consult a holistic veterinarian.